Create your legacy with Spark Financial Group.

Spark Legacy Program

This is your opportunity to deliver financial wellbeing and make a difference for future generations.

Spark Legacy Program

The Spark to Do Good

Spark Legacy ambitiously aims to change inequity in and exclusion from the financial system by reshaping our society’s understanding and appreciation of money.

By delivering structured education programs to everyday Australians to assist them understand money, enhance their financial literacy, and help overcome inequity, Spark Financial Group believes we can change the perception of financial services leaders. Similarly, we believe the financial industry can play a significant role in creating a better future for all.

But Why Now?

We are in a period where inflation, living expenses and financial stress across many Australians are at all-time highs. With more businesses like Spark adopting some of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals as part of their Purpose, such as encouraging economic growth, along with addressing the needs of the vulnerable groups identified in Australian Government’s National Financial Capability Strategy that need financial literacy support, we can make lasting change.

So How Can We
Make It Happen?

Spark Advisors empower individuals to live a meaningful life on their own terms whilst encouraging the financial industry to unite for a common good. We believe that it is possible to democratise access to money and financial advice, thereby ending systemic and general social inequity, while restoring trust in the financial industry. To achieve this, the Spark Legacy program has been designed around three pillars.


A centralised Public Ancillary Fund (PuAF) has been created, into which Spark stakeholders can donate & fundraise towards, along with collecting the profits from Spark Financial Group. These funds are donated to a host of charities whose purpose is to support vulnerable & disadvantaged young Australians. The PuAF is managed by three independent Directors and form the Spark Legacy Committee along with our Founder Arthur Kallos. The voluntary time provided by Spark Advisors towards these charities presents an opportunity for Spark Advisors to deliver positive changes at grassroots level in their own communities, raise awareness and help end systemic issues caused by a lack of financial literacy.


Through the creation of structured giving programs with selected charities, our Spark Advisors contribute to the wellbeing of Australians who are vulnerable or disadvantaged. These programs are delivered one-on-one, one to many or via scale using Spark’s digital platforms. With increased financial education and support, we hope to see a reduction in the rate of financial hardship, financial abuse and suicide and an increase in financial wellbeing.


Investing in our Advisor relationships is the cornerstone of Spark Legacy. Spark Advisors at the top of our stakeholder list, we place greater importance on the sustainability of our Advisors rather than the profit for shareholders. This ethos ensures that the needs of our Advisors are placed at the centre of everything we do. With the sum of effort generated from our organisation being 100% donated to charities, we can lead with the altruism needed to help Financial Planning become a Profession.

This Is How Your
Legacy Begins

Spark Legacy is a unique, industry-leading opportunity to make a difference that will be felt across Australians in need. You can get involved in a number of ways.

As a Spark Advisor

Joining our network of Spark Advisors will allow you to share your ideas to create more meaningful impact, as well as participate in the Financial Literacy Program in your community. You will also become part of a financial community with shared values and beliefs, and access to leading technology and solutions to best serve clients.

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As a Donor or Collaborator

You can help drive the change to fix inequality by achieving the related goals of your own organisation, thereby promoting further participation and dedication to social change. This engagement can be internal or external — the extent of the positive action is up to you.

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As a Member of the Financial Services Industry

You have a number of options available to you for participating in Spark Legacy. This includes raising awareness of the program within your business or delivering support into any of our three strategic pillars, such as becoming a donor or collaborator to assist with Hope and Advocacy.

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As a Charity Group

Raising awareness of Spark Legacy and participating local Spark Advisors is paramount to accelerating the impact and change of the program. By having your cohort participate in the Advocacy pillar and engaging your local community with the program, you can make a big difference. This can be as simple as sharing and promoting outcomes of our financial literacy efforts throughout your local media and social media.

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The Spark Legacy Manifesto

The Spark Legacy manifesto is to make Spark Financial Group & its Advisors synonymous with financial literacy, empowering young Australians to benefit from our financial system and to unite our industry for a common good.

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Are you ready to make a change? Now is the time to embrace your Spark and make a difference. Get in touch now to become a part of Spark Legacy.

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